Good ol’ fashioned Soviet architecture in Bishkek Kyrgyzstan

Bishkek Kyrgyzstan Stella of Friendship of Nation

Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan (formerly known as the Kirghiz Soviet Socialist Republic) is known for Soviet architecture in Central Asia, so I decided to walk down Bishkek’s main thoroughfare, Chuy Avenue (Чуйский проспект). From 1936 to 1961 it was known as Stalin Street, and from 1974 as Lenin Prospekt. This wide street, now dotted with modern shops and restaurants, once hosted Soviet military parades as they marched along side Soviet government buildings.

Bishkek Kyrgyzstan Soviet Architecture

I walked from West to East along Chuy avenue, seeing the Manas statue in front of the Philharmonic Hall. There was also Jogorku Kenesh (Parliament) of the Kyrgyz Republic next to the State History museum, which was unfortunately closed on Tuesday. These were all really nice examples of Stalinist Soviet architecture.

Bishkek Kyrgyzstan Soviet Architecture
Philarmonic Hall & Manas Statue

Hiding behind the museum was Lenin’s statue, which was moved from the front to the back after the fall of communism.

Bishkek Kyrgyzstan Lenin Statue

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