Vienna Central Cemetery, seeing Beethoven and Mozart

Vienna, known as the City of Music, has many has many musicians who call it their eternal home. I took a day trip to Vienna’s Central Cemetery and saw Beethoven, Schubert, Strauss, Brahms, and Mozart’s memorial (he was buried in an unmarked mass grave). Admission is free and it’s a short tram ride from the Ringstrasse. It’s a very large cemetery and you should allow at least two hours once you’re there.

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An afternoon walk around Vienna’s Ringstrasse

Vienna’s main attractions are around the Ring Road (German: Ringstraße) and it’s good for a day walk. Among the attractions are the Heldenplatz, Rathaus, Austrian Parliament, the Natural history museum, and St. Stephen’s Cathedral. Most of these places had admission costs of around €10-15 each, so I decided just to marvel at the architecture from the outside.

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